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Clinical Chaplaincy Policies
The Credential Requirements for Clinical Chaplains
In accordance with the Common Standards for Professional Chaplaincy, any board certified chaplain seeking endorsement with the UPCI will have the following basic qualifications and accountabilities:
Obtained a bachelor’s degree from a college or university that is appropriately accredited.
Obtained an appropriately accredited master’s degree in theological studies or its equivalent.
Ordained by the UPCI.
Completed four units (1600 hours) of Clinical Pastoral Education as accredited by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE), the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Commission on Certification and Accreditation, or the Canadian Association for Pastoral Practice and Education (CAPPE/ACPEP); one of these units may be an equivalency.
Met competencies for chaplaincy as established by the Spiritual Care Collaborative.
Remain accountable to the UPCI, their employer, and their certifying body.
Affirm and practice chaplaincy according to the Common Code of Ethics.
Maintain membership in a certifying body by participating in a peer review every five years, documenting at least 50 hours of continuing education each year, and providing documentation of endorsement with the UPCI every five years.